Together for Family Pictures at the Holidays: Fairport NY Family Photographers
The last time this group updated their family portrait was in 2013. It was at a wedding, so the family picture was to be expected.
The rented AirBnB became the setting for an extended family portrait session. It was a surprise for many of the family members who were all coming from various parts of North America.
These family portraits included a lot of laughing, as well as both sweet and silly moments. Scroll down to the last image and you’ll find a photograph of everyone diving into an apple pie. This was planned as a tribute to their Grandmother - who sadly passed not too long ago.
It was her special recipe that was used to bake the pie. It was such a beautiful way to honor and include a cherished loved one in your family pictures.
Their joy was contagious, and their family pictures reflected every ounce of it. It was an honor to photograph this extended family session for them.

Find More Family Portraits on the Blog!
Candid Mini Sessions: Family Pictures at Webster Arboretum
There are so many perfect little nooks and crannies at the Webster Arboretum for family pictures. It’s hard for me to pick my favorite spot!
Our summer family mini sessions were full of silly faces and giggles - and that was just from us, the family photographers. The families that joined us for their family portraits were also full of silliness and laughs, but also snuggles and hugs.
The kids loved playing hide and seek in the willow trees, and climbing up on the rocks throughout the park. The parents loved getting an updated family picture AND simultaneously letting their kiddos run off some energy at the same time. Win-win for everyone!

Eastman Museum Family Pictures: Rochester NY Photographers
We know we’ve said it before, but it’s worth mentioning again. We LIVE for Spring.
Now that there’s a grandchild in the mix, this family was ready to come together and update their family picture. Eastman Museum was the perfect setting for this family portrait session.
The daffodils and flowering trees, alongside the architecture of the mansion created a beautiful backdrop for a wall worthy family portrait.
The garden and the buildings also gave their newly minted one year old easy spaces to climb and explore.
So if you come to us with a desire for family pictures in the Spring - we’re here for it.

Cheers to 10 Years: Fairport NY Photographers
WARNING: Long post ahead. (In a good way.)
It took us a full year to pull the trigger. We met for hours, daily to plan and prepare. We worked on our branding. We researched our target market. We wrote a business plan. We did everything the books and our mentors told us to do.
And on January 3, 2013, we went to the county clerks and officially began Lori & Erin Photography.
10 years ago. A lifetime ago, and a blink of an eye all in one thought.
It hasn’t always been graceful, and we’ve overcome a lot.
For example:
- We’re constantly adapting to life with children.
- We’ve lost loved ones.
- A freaking global pandemic.
- We’ve had quarter life crisis. (I mean, c’mon, freaking global pandemic.)
And none of that takes into account the ups and downs of running a partnership business.
Who does what?
Who gets what?
What do we do when finances are down?
What direction should our future go?
No question about it, it’s hard as heck a blast to work with your best friend, every. single. day. But it’s been worth every hard thing. We’ve overcome a lot of challenges, and we’ve evolved in the past 10 years - personally and professionally.
To our spouses, our family, our friends, our fellow photographers.
To every single client who has become family.
To every person who has in some way been a part of our journey.
Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported us from day one. We truly love you.
Dang am I proud of us, because this year we celebrate 10 years of Lori & Erin Photography.
Family Pictures at Eastman House: Rochester NY Photographers
This family get together was planned so that the whole family could meet the newest 11 week old addition, August. So yes, an extended family picture was a MUST.
This crew of 17 people included Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and Great Grandparents of all ages, from 11 weeks to 90 years old - oh, and a four legged family member.
The wall of greenery at Eastman Museum was a great backdrop for such a large extended family portrait in Rochester. We created family pictures of all different combinations, along with a few adorable candid pictures as well.
Who knows when this whole group will get to be together again like this? No one does. That’s why it’s always an honor to be a part of another family’s moments, even if for a brief moment in time.
Getting together for the holidays? Yes, that’s the right time to create this kind of lasting portrait.

Fairport NY Family Pictures: One Year Portrait Session
The first year of life is full of milestones, but turning one is a truly special one for both child and parent.
This little one year old, sweet as can be, was accompanied by big brother- the family dog, and two doting parents for their family pictures.
We checked out one of my favorite hidden spots as a Fairport NY photographer - The Thomas Creek Boardwalk. If you know it, don’t give it away, ok? Our little secret.
I look forward to seeing more of this little one as she grows and capturing more of their family portraits, but for now, enjoy being ONE!

Family Pictures in Webster NY: Fairport NY Photographers
When we first talked about her upcoming family pictures, she mentioned that the patriarch of the family wasn’t doing well. Everyone would be in town, and they wanted to capture the family together.
We had a beautiful sunny day for their portrait session, and everyone, even grandpa was all smiles. Why wouldn’t he be, surrounded by his legacy? What a fun family portrait session! They even made special shirts to commemorate the day and attempted to recreate a family photo from the past.
We ended their family portrait session hanging out down by the lake in Webster.
Where’s your favorite place to wind down with your family?

Family Portraits with Vintage Cars in Fairport NY
Family picture sessions are never dull when your Grandpa collects old cars. Why yes, we did shoot this family portrait in his barn!
This particular Fairport family is part of our family portrait membership, and they come to our Candid Mini Session events on a regular basis. But we also get to take family pictures that are all their own every year too.
This was such a fun family session. More proof that you can make great winter family portraits! What hobbies would you include in your session? Tell us in the comments!
Family Portraits in Rochester at 4 Months : Baby Rose
My how quickly life changes. Just 3 years ago, we watched through our lenses as Courtney and Scott said their vows in the beautiful Asbury Church. Now, our lenses turn to a smaller subject, of perhaps larger consequence. Meet Baby Rose!
It was easy to see how loved this little girl is. Happiest being held, or enjoying her milk— she is already tall like her parents. Margaret, the mini schnauzer, was never far away from the action.
Thanks for inviting us back into your lives to capture the next stage on your family’s journey. You’re amazing parents and we can’t wait to watch little Rose grow.
Til next time,
Brighton Family Portraits in the Snow: Rochester NY
It was such a pleasure to meet Robin, Nick and their three boys. Robin is newly elected to the Brighton Town Council and is already making a difference! I can't wait to see the bike lanes and more that she brings to the community.
With one son in military academy, one in high school and one in middle school, Nick and Robin certainly have their hands full. We got together over the holidays while their oldest was in town and we braved the cold for some snowy family portraits outside, and some cozy shots inside as well.
Take a peek and say hello to this local family!
Til next time,
Photo Christmas Gift Ideas
You've already had photos taken this year, but you never did anything with them. Now it's holiday season, and you just realized you need Christmas cards and gifts! Lucky for you photos are the gift that are cherished forever. They are above and beyond, more valuable than any trinket you'll find at the mall.
So if you need a little inspiration, here are a few of our most popular products this time of year:
1. Ornaments! We offer metal and loft ornaments. They're a perfect small gift for anyone on your list. Put your favorite photo on one side, with the year and a message on the back. Boom, custom, easy and done!
2. Float Wraps! This item has a wow-factor. It's unique, ready to hang (no worrying about frames!) and easy to order in any size from 8x8 to 24x36.
3. Holiday Cards! Don't waste hours searching through, and fighting with online sites. Let us create exactly what you are looking for. We have a lot of customizable options to fit the color and wording choices exactly as you desire.
Need more ideas? You can browse our full catalog for inspiration!
Then call us and we'll make your holiday shopping personalized and thoughtful as well as easy, and most importantly, DONE!
Our deadline for holiday orders is December 6th. So please don't wait til the last minute!