Why you Should Print Your Family Pictures by a Photographer

AKA - Why I threw out my wedding pictures

Yeah, I said that. And yes - I really did just throw them away. As a photographer, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Your current thoughts probably range from - "Ok?" to "What the $%&*? Erin - WHY?!"

Well... because they were useless to me.

Before you think my marriage just went down the drain, step away from the phone and refrain from texting me like a crazy person. I'm still happily married. I promise.

But, I really did throw away my wedding pictures. At least - the two burned CD's that they were living on in the bottom drawer of my desk. I know, they weren't even in a safe place.

I have the files still, I moved them to three different locations years ago. But the CD's were useless to me.

I threw them away because I don't have a device in my home that's capable of reading them anymore. Which is exactly what we've been preaching to our wedding clients and families for years now.

It's also why I made a wedding album. It's why I made a tangible, printed heirloom - so that one day, I won't have to realize that I have no way to share in the joy of those memories.

If you've got discs of photos lying around that you've never done anything with, I'm not surprised. If you want help making those discs into heirlooms - give us a call.

So that one day, you won't have to throw away your memories.

~ Erin


2017 with LucasP: rochester photography

All honesty - 2017 wasn't my favorite year. I'm in a place right now, where I'd prefer to move forward, even though it's hard. Despite all of it's hardships, 2017 had some beautiful moments in the life of Lucas P and our journey as a family.

Lucas grew taller, his words come faster (and louder), his true personality emerging stronger every day. For weeks he wouldn't leave the house without a super hero cape or stormtrooper mask on. He still loves his trains, but now mixes his imaginary worlds together. Batman saves Thomas the Train, and Stormtroopers chase dinosaurs. Holding onto this boy's childhood moments have been a saving grace in the chaos.

Those who know me know that we experienced loss, but also immense love this year. Seriously it was intense and an other-worldly kind of love. It's the kind that leaves you dumbfounded and awestruck. I'd always known it was there, but never fully experienced and felt until this year.

If there's anything I can leave you with from this year, (other than some cute family photos) - it's this.

Don't hesitate to take the pictures. The moment might not be perfect, or the lighting not ideal, or your make up is not on. Some of the photos from this year of my life are literally the last of their kind. I'll never be able to recreate these photos. Take the picture - because someone who loves you, might need to hold onto that photo tomorrow.

These photos bring me smiles, laughs and sometimes tears. But they're reminders of a life that's full, and lived and loved. They're something else to hold on to - keeping me tethered in the storm and giving me a reminder to keep showing up, even if it's pouring.

Because when the rain finally stops, I know I'll see the rainbow.

With love, and hope for a brighter year,


Special thank You to NorthGlow Photography for our family session this year!

5 Years and Counting: Happy Anniversary Us!

So often we get caught up in the daily tasks of running a business that we forget to step back and look at all we've actually accomplished.

But not today. Today we're celebrating a milestone anniversary of us. Five years ago today, we made "Lori & Erin" official in the eyes of New York State - and we haven't looked back. In this industry, so many of us are independent and prefer to go it alone. So, finding a photography partnership can be a little like finding a unicorn. It's something rare.

For those that don't know our story, you can check out the recap in this post from earlier this week. Whether it was the Almighty, Buddha, or Yoda using The Force, I believe that finding each other and creating this business was meant to happen.

We've set goals and faced challenges. We've grown together, as well as individually into who we are and why we do it. We aren't the same people who started this journey. We're stronger and smarter and maybe a little bit crazier (in a good way). And all because we had an idea of a partnership over five years ago.

And it's also because of you. Looking back on all of these sessions has been wonderful. We're so grateful for each of your smiles. You have helped us grow. Thank you for putting your trust in us, year after year to help you treasure your relationships forever.

Here's to another five years!

Lori & Erin

PS - Here's a video recap of ALL five years, are you in it? 



FAQ : How did you two meet? The story of how Lori and Erin Photography Began

We get asked this a lot, in one variation or another. How long have you been working together? How long have you known each other? Are you sisters?

Well, you've opened a can of worms... here goes!

The Quick Story

  • No, we are not related - though we might as well be

  • We each had independent businesses before L&E began

  • We met at Greater Rochester Professional Photographers (GRPP) in 2009

  • We worked our first wedding together in 2010

  • Began planning the partnership in 2012

  • Officially signed the papers and became Lori & Erin Photography in 2013

  • Now we live|eat|breathe Lori and Erin Photography!

The Long Story

It was a dark and stormy night... just kidding, I don't remember what the weather was. What I do remember was standing in the back of a large room filled with photographers at a GRPP meeting, when this new girl introduces herself as a graphic designer/photographer who works in the printing industry. 

I did a double take as she spoke... is this girl for real? SMH. She was describing me. My first job out of college was working for a print company while I built my design/photography business on the side. Immediately after the meeting, I introduced myself. She was there with her husband, so I met Matt as well.

Who knew I was meeting my best friend? I don't think either of us did.

We got to know each other through meetings and conferences, and eventually starting shooting for each other. I'm not sure how else to say it, but we just clicked. (Ba dum, dum - symbol crash) 

As friends, photographers and human beings, we wanted many of the same things. We both wanted to switch from doing photography on the side, to making it our full time career. We liked working with people and capturing relationships. We even had a similar shooting style.

I made the leap first, and eventually, Erin left her 9-5 as well. The first time a partnership was mentioned, it was in jest.

But then, we started to think it wasn't so crazy. What if...

What if we could make it work?
What if we could support each other?
What if we could share expenses?
What if we could offer consistency to our clients?
What if we could... succeed?

It took nearly a full year to design the new business. We talked everything through. Who would do what tasks? How would we pay ourselves? Who would be responsible for various things? Who would switch their brand of gear... oh that could be its own post!

By January 2013, we felt confident in ourselves and each other, and we jumped. We pooled our resources and began opening new doors.

Five years later, I still feel it was the right move.

We push each other to be better as people, as creatives, and as business owners. We are able to remain best friends - perhaps because of the business. Or perhaps because we respect and accept each other, quirks and all.

Our first photo conferences together. Where we met, started getting to know each other and the story began! Yes, we're admitting there were togas involved.

Our first photo conferences together. Where we met, started getting to know each other and the story began! Yes, we're admitting there were togas involved.

Then we proved we could survive 12 days together in a foreign country with 1 car, with our husbands. Clearly we were ready to start our business!

Then we proved we could survive 12 days together in a foreign country with 1 car, with our husbands. Clearly we were ready to start our business!

Us have fun at a wedding? Nope, never. 

Us have fun at a wedding? Nope, never. 

Well, there you have it. Was it what you thought? Do you think we are crazy? Or, are you glad we met? Let us know in the comments. 

Thanks for being here,

The Value of a Portrait: Rochester NY Photographer

I want you to go find a photo - maybe it's you and your parents, or your parents wedding album, or you with you deceased grandmother.

Look at the people in it. What do you see? How does that photograph make you feel?

Now, imagine never having that image. Was it 5 years old? 10? Can it be retaken? Do you still have the story behind that image? Imagine how you would feel, if that photograph was taken away from you.

Or rather, try this scenario. Imagine holding that image after 40 years. Are the people in the image all still with us, or have you lost a loved one over the years? Does it mean more to you now that time has passed? My guess is, it does.

For all of these reasons - that's the value of a portrait. 

I can tell you from first hand experience that the photos of my son with his grandfather are some of my most valued possessions. You can have my tv, my computer, heck, you can even take my camera. But if I ever lost those photos, I'd be a wreck.

Those photographs are how I'm going to teach my son who his grandfather was. They're how I'm going to hold on to him when I need to hear his voice. They're part of our story, and serve as a reminder to our history.

But had they never been printed, or worse, never been taken at all, I would have only have the pictures in my ever fading memory to rely on.

Moral of the story - take pictures, and then also print them. Because to me they're one thousand times more valuable than any of the most expensive gifts you'll ever receive.

If you don't understand the feeling right now, trust me, someday you will.

~ Erin


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday

I have to say it...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Anybody with me? 

My sister-in-law's dog, Madigan, makes sure she is using proper technique to slice the turkey

My sister-in-law's dog, Madigan, makes sure she is using proper technique to slice the turkey

Here's the thing... it's a little chaotic, involves a lot of driving, but in one day we get

  • to spend time with my side of the family

  • to spend time with his side of the family

  • to eat two very good meals

  • to play with our nieces and nephews

  • to think about all the things we are grateful for, and say thank you

Thanksgiving is really a "lite" version of Christmas. It contains all the togetherness without having the stress and worry about giving gifts.

And that's why it is my favorite. We get to focus on each other, catching up and playing games with those we love, and don't get to see enough of throughout the year.

Of course, the mountains of food that will inevitably and consumed doesn't hurt either.

So this Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy time with your loved ones. Give them an extra hug, slow down and stay a few moments longer. Be thankful for everything from the shoes on your feet to the roof over your head.

And know that I am thankful for you. Family, friends, clients, and blog-stalkers, I am thankful for you! 

Happy thanksgiving.

Lucas P turns 3: Family Moments Rochester NY

In his second year, I watched as he went from baby to suddenly being a kid - personality and all. Looking back, it's amazing how many little "big" moments made up the year. From his first real understanding of Halloween, to toddler beds, camping, and even the beginning of potty training.  It was a year for a great many new things and (as he likes to call them) "abentures." 

Believe it or not, despite the inevitable tantrums of a "threenager," I actually love this age. I love watching him explore and learn.

For the most part he's outgoing, playful and silly. He isn't afraid to wear one stormtrooper sock and one Thomas the train sock at the same time. He wears superhero capes on hikes, much to the delight of every single person walking past us. I love that he's not afraid to be himself.

Until him, I had little interest in my husband's nerd life. Sure, it's entertaining, but it wasn't part of my own life, let alone my wardrobe. Now I find myself buying my own Star Wars/Wonder Woman t-shirts. Heck, last week, I very nearly bought my own set of Star Wars socks.

Why? Because I want to be like him. I want to be part of his world, while he'll still let me.

So for now, you bet I'll I wear a superhero cape when he wants to play. I'll gladly wield a light saber when under attack from the Empire, or the Joker, or sometimes even a shark.

I'll also take every hug, kiss, cuddle and "I love you" that I can get.

Because just as the last year did, his next year will go as fast, if not faster. And these beautiful little moments will someday become the past.

Happy 3rd birthday to my smart, silly, sweet, and often stubborn little super hero, Lucas P!

Mommy (aka Princess Leia)

Portrait of a Grandmother: Rochester NY Photographers

So many things about who I am have been cultivated by the women in my life. I'm ridiculously lucky to have had the chance to grow up knowing and loving them all. From my own mother to aunts and all the way to my great grandmother, who passed some years ago.

I'd like to think I follow in their footsteps, collecting each of their similar traits. We're all worriers and maybe a little neurotic. None of us have a green thumb or a penchant for cooking dinner. But we are also loving, hard working, independent and strong when we need to be.

So many of these traits are learned, taught and handed down. I've been so lucky to have grown up with not only a wonderful mother as an example, but my grandmother's example of love as well.

While she's now a great grandmother and grandmother - she's also still a mother. She has the same wishes for her own children that every mother everywhere has. She's still there as a mother to my parents, even when it's hard. Just like my mom is for me.

Because from what I've gathered, you don't stop being a mom when your kids have kids.

Recently my family celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday, so naturally my camera was at the ready. I took a few minutes to just capture a portrait of her alone. Looking at it now, I see more than just her likeness. I see the matriarch of the family, supportive and strong for us all. I see love, warmth, happiness, family, history.

I see all the other moms of the family in her.

I see me.

Hugs, love, and a Happy (Belated) Mother's Day to you all (especially to my own Momma),


A Plea for a Little More Self Love: Fairport NY Portrait Photography

Every day I hear the phrase "I hate the way I look in pictures." I hear -  "I hate my nose." or "I'm too fat."or "Can you photoshop my wrinkles?"

I'm here to say "Please, for the love of everything  - STOP IT."

A Bucket List trip to Iceland

It was probably two years ago that my sister first suggested a trip to Iceland. My sister, AKA "Lisa the Waterfall Hunter", has a self proclaimed passion for... wait for it...you guessed it, waterfalls! She loves them all - from giant Niagara Falls to small hidden falls in the Finger Lakes.

Iceland, known as the land of fire and ice, is full of waterfalls. Really, they are everywhere! They have tall ones and wide ones, multi-tiered falls and waterfalls in caves. Not to mention the glaciers, volcanoes and northern lights!

So after many theoretical conversations about going to Iceland, it finally happened. And we convinced my parents to come along too! We rented a car and drove the Ring Road that circles the entire island. In one week, my dad and I drove 1300 miles while my mom and sister frequently yelled "Stop the car!" from the back seat.

We drove past a herd of reindeer and pastures of Icelandic horses. We walked on black sand beaches, lava fields, and glaciers. We hiked into canyons and saw more waterfalls than you could count. We swam in the Blue Lagoon and learned Icelandic history in the museums. We stayed in a variety of Air BNBs, once in the city, but mostly in the countryside.

And we made memories.

I saw my dad with a mud mask on, in a lagoon (he is not a swimmer.) Say the word "frump" to my mom and just see what happens. Lisa dressed up like the viking she longs to be, or with tears in her eyes at the base of a waterfall she has dreamt about. Unforgettable.

And with the video camera, two DSLRs and 4 iPhones... I think we managed to capture those memories. 

Here's a little peek into our adventure!

Why I'm a Photographer: Reason #937 and counting

It was almost three years ago when we set up his crib. I was still pregnant, so it didn't seem real yet. How could I possibly know at that point, what placing my baby in that crib would feel like?

But now, night after night he's slept (mostly) peacefully in that crib. I do know how it feels to rub his back as his eyes close, say good night, and tell him I love him.

You know the saying. All good things must... right?

This. Is. Why. I. Take. Pictures.

Because tomorrow we'll put him to bed in a "big boy bed" for the first time. I blinked a few dozen times and he again changed before my eyes.

No, I didn't miss any of it - I was there the whole time. But now, that particular feeling of him as "a baby" will begin to fade. As time passes, my pictures of him will remind me of that feeling. They will become even more invaluable.

Nothing in this life stays the same for long, right? I know more changes are on the horizon for us. I may not know exactly when, but when it does, I'll have this moment captured forever.

Change is inevitable, for you and for me. It's sometimes hard to accept, but it's a natural progression in life.

What changes are coming your way? What do you want to capture before it does?

This is why I take your pictures.

~ Erin

Award Winning Photographer: PPSNYS 2017

It's exciting to win ... anything really... but this is an award I am especially fond of. And it's all because of the subject matter. First I'll tell you a little about Liam, and then about the award.

"The Prodigy" | PPSNYS 2017 Judges Choice Award

"The Prodigy" | PPSNYS 2017 Judges Choice Award

About Liam

I have known Liam and his family for over five years now. They are very special to me. They are one of those families that start out as clients and end up becoming great friends. At their family portrait session last year, I remember playing with Liam and his siblings in the backyard. He ran around like a typical three year old.

But, when we went inside, that changed quickly. He got out his tiny violin and, with dad by his side, played for me. I was floored by how much talent this little boy has. 

That wild three year old boy transformed. He was focused and proud with instrument in hand. I made many photographs of the moment, and many months later, decided to enter this one into a print competition.

About the Award

As part of the New York State Professional Photographers Society, Erin and I regularly attend the annual convention, which this year took place in Buffalo. Part of the convention includes an image competition, where photographers can test their skills against other professionals in several categories. Prizes are awarded based on overall scores, category wins and more. I entered four images into the competition, all of which were judged "Above Average".

After scoring, each of the judges then selected their favorite overall image from the 100+ entries. This image received the "Judges Choice Award". I was able to speak to the judge who selected my image. They loved the moment that it captured and also how the composition fit the rule of thirds in addition to the golden ratio.

Thank you

I want to thank Liam and his whole family for the honor of being your photographer. I love you guys!

I also want to thank the other members of PPSNYS who encouraged me to submit, helped me select my final images and provided guidance with editing and titling. Specifically John Aiken, Pat Luke, Deb Woodard, Erin Perrotta (of course) and so many more!

~ Lori

These images all received the white ribbon for above average.

These images all received the white ribbon for above average.