Rochester NY Brand Photographers

Branding a Software Designer: Fairport NY Branding Photography

One of the coolest things about being a branding photographer is getting to meet people from a variety of different industries. Like Marissa - a working nurse, who also designs VR software curriculum for future nurses. Talk about multi-talented!

It was so cool to learn about how the process from Marissa while we photographed her at The Hive, as well as some outdoor locations in Fairport. As you can see, taking her branding photographs was pretty easy with her award winning smile!

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Fairport Personal Brand Photography

Personal Branding for Podcasters

Last time we saw her, Maryellen wanted branding photography for her therapy business. At the time, the goal was to update her business website, but also show a real side of Maryellen that made you feel at ease.

We knew even then, that Maryellen had bigger goals than running a successful therapists’s office.

Fast forward 3 years and one pandemic later.

Introducing, the “Okay-ish” Podcast. It’s a space where Maryellen gets real about mental health, and gives listeners the unfiltered truths that help people understand that “it’s ok, to be just ok.” There’s a new website to brand, and new stories to tell.

So who is she speaking to:

People who want a different take on therapy, feel overwhelmed, or are realizing that perfection isn’t the goal - OK is. She talks about toxic positivity, imposter syndrome, and also gives behind the scenes information about life as a therapist. She wants to be seen as relatable in her branding photography.

How did we do that?

  • We showed her real life, by taking branding pictures of Maryellen next to the laundry she’s been too busy and overwhelmed to fold.

  • We photographed emotion. Yes, new headshots are important, but we also knew we needed to show a variety of emotions in order to connect to her audience. So we captured overwhelm and even anger, along side her new headshots.

Brand photography is about more than pretty headshots and sitting at a perfect, clean desk. What makes your brand stand out? What emotions do you want to help your audience with? Let’s go there, and capture THAT in your personal brand photographs.

Tips for Personal Brand Photo Shoots: Fairport NY Brand Photography

You know your brand visuals are super important to your small business. So you’ve got your brand photo shoot booked, but you’re a little nervous about what to do next.

Here’s four tips for your head shot or branding session:

1) Find some inspiration.

Use Pinterest, or collect images that you’re drawn to. It could be as simple as your brand colors, or a fun pattern, or even specific poses that portray what you want your audience to feel. Then show your photographer what you’re drawn to.

2) Pick the right location.

Ask yourself, does this location fit my brand? Or am I using it because it’s what everyone is doing? Find the right place for you.

3) Do what feels good.

If it helps you, get your hair and makeup done. Pick the right outfits, and get a second opinion if you need it. Meditate or do yoga, or have a dance party if it relaxes you. Because when you feel good, your confidence will show in your branding pictures.

4) Know your words and your why.

Why do you do what you do? What purpose does your business serve? What are the top 3-5 words you want the world to see in your brand? For example: A few of ours are “fun” and “real.” We try to show these kinds of images for our people to understand who we are and what we’re about.

You’re going to use these branding images to communicate your message and build trust with your audience. Hopefully these personal brand session tips help point you in the right direction.

If you’re truly lost, ask your photographer for help - that’s what we’re here for. We want you to have the right brand pictures for you.

Above all else, have fun!

Rochester NY Branding Sessions in Parking Garages

We photograph a lot of wonderful couples in love. When we met Jason and Stefanie, it was easy to see they're in love - but that wasn't the reason they came to us. For this session, they had one show their fun side, and their love for the City of Rochester through their new website: The Rochesteriat. If you haven't heard of it by now, I'm sure you will soon. They're on a mission to help revitalize Rochester with a new and exciting city guide in the making. I suggest you check it out - it's pretty fantastic, and we know it's going to grow quickly!

For too long people have been looking down on Rochester, as a failing city. But they see it differently – as a changing city. Stefanie and Jason see Rochester as a place where new development is growing and entrepreneurs are coming back. And they want to be a part of it all.

Have you checked it out yet? Go ahead, I'll wait.... (insert jeopardy theme song here).

Ok, welcome back. In a nutshell, we were happy to help them create some great images for their bio page. We went to a few neat locations, including the top of a parking garage where there were some pretty great views of the city skyline.

To them, The Rochesteriat is more than being about a city guide in the making, it's about being a part of Rochester's history in the making. Thank you Jason and Stefanie for a great night, and for sharing how you see the city with us and inspiring us to see it that way too.

Headshots, Rochester NY portrait session downtown, parking garage

Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session

Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session

Rochester NY city portrait session, parking garage

Headshots, Rochester NY portrait session

Portrait Session, Downtown Rochester NY

Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session

Rochester NY city portrait session

Exploring the city together!

Thanks again for the fun, laughs, and fro yo! We can't wait to work with you again soon!