We started in 2013 with portraits with her sisters. And then we photographed her wedding in 2015, her sister’s wedding in 2016. She began her career and her family out of state, but moved back recently, quickly booking an updated family portrait, and also a personal branding session for herself.
And every time we see her, she’s like a light that draws us in. It’s easy to see why this doctor’s brand as a expert in menopause and women’s health is taking off.
We aren’t sure how she does it. Between her Women’s Health podcast, her leadership position with Midi Health and her family, she also found time to write a book, which hits shelves in June.
Check out how some of her photographs have been used:
Wait until the last photo! We know her!
Oh and did we mention that she got to meet and be on a panel with OPRAH recently?! WHHHHATTTT? (I probably should have led with that, huh?)
Honestly, we’re pretty honored to say we know and love this amazing woman. Thank you Dr. Heather Hirsch, for giving us the opportunity to showcase your brand, your way.
Our Favorites:

Want to know more about Heather?
Check out her website (and all of her awesome new brand photographs) here!
Dr. Heather Hirsch, a leading menopause expert, recently updated her personal branding with a new photo session. From professional workspace shots to dynamic yoga poses, these images reflect the multifaceted nature of her work and life. Learn more about how we captured her evolving brand and the new visuals she's using to connect with her audience.