Secondly, I realized that I would be nowhere without my friends in the industry. It was at this convention several years ago that I first met Erin and forged several other bonds that still exist to this day. Returning to this place year after year is like going back to school. We get to learn together, eat together, and party together. If that's not how you make unbreakable friendships, I don't know what is.
Focus NY Convention and My First Photography Presentation
Was I NUTS?! The story I was about to share was deeply personal, and every single time I practiced it out loud, I cried. I was going to be a massive failure. Who cries in front of an audience?!
So because it was too late to back out, I cried in front of a group of photographers from all over New York State.
Giving Back: Magic Hour Foundation
Giving Back: MDA Night at the Races Gala 2014
This was our third year volunteering for the MDA Gala, and it's one event that's truly a pleasure to be a part of. 'Night at the Races' is an annual fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and includes a silent auction, live auction, and of course, the Kentucky Derby! The main part of the evening included words from guest of honor Mario Daniele, of Mario's Italian Restaurant, as well as several other guest speakers. There was also a very moving video presentation describing this disease- which has no cure.
Having met some of the folks living with the disease as well as those who care for them, and those running the MDA, we are happy to do our small part in photographing this event. Any proceeds from sales of the images are donated back to the cause, in addition to the session auctioned off. Below are a few of my favorites from the evening, and you can view more event photos here.
"Night at the Races" hats
Kentucky Derby reaction
painter in progress
The Daniele Family
guest speakers
crowd shot
faces of als
locust hill country club scene
If you would like to help, you can donate directly to the organization here. Thank you! Lori
Betty: Portraits of a strong woman
Betty is such a wonderful woman. I have known her for about three years, and she has always been such a positive, upbeat and selfless person. She has recently been going through some tough times, but this session was about looking up and moving forward. We kept the colors bright and cheerful like her personality and had some fun just laughing and being together. After the session, Betty sent me a message saying, "After seeing all the comments and likes on the photo it occurred to me that with that photo you made all my friends that were concerned about me realize that I'm going to be ok. That is truly a gift Lori." It's notes like that which keep me going in this field!
I'm so glad to know this incredible woman and be able to share in life's amazing moments. Say hi to Betty!
Thanks for following and celebrating life with us through photos!
Victor NY Family Photography for Cobblestone Living
cover of cobblestone living
For the past few months, we have had the honor to work with some great families in the Cobblestone neighborhood of Victor. Some who have lived there just a few years, others who have had a hand in building the original development. It's been fun getting to meet new people and hear their stories. And then, to see them published!
The Cobblestone neighborhood is a beautiful area that surrounds the Cobblestone Creek Country Club. The monthly magazine celebrates the families, students, pets, lawns and travels of their neighbors. The articles are written by folks that live there about issues and people important to them. Each month there is a featured family in the "get to know your neighbors" section. That's where we come in!
Here are a few of the images we have made in the neighborhood.
train restore
cobblestone living
skiing family
family and dog
1961 vodka
All of the neighbors seem to have golf in common, but this couple had a putting green in their bedroom!
If you live in the neighborhood and want to suggest a family to be featured, send us an email! We'd love to connect.
Have a great day! Lori
Rochester NY Branding Sessions in Parking Garages
We photograph a lot of wonderful couples in love. When we met Jason and Stefanie, it was easy to see they're in love - but that wasn't the reason they came to us. For this session, they had one show their fun side, and their love for the City of Rochester through their new website: The Rochesteriat. If you haven't heard of it by now, I'm sure you will soon. They're on a mission to help revitalize Rochester with a new and exciting city guide in the making. I suggest you check it out - it's pretty fantastic, and we know it's going to grow quickly!
For too long people have been looking down on Rochester, as a failing city. But they see it differently – as a changing city. Stefanie and Jason see Rochester as a place where new development is growing and entrepreneurs are coming back. And they want to be a part of it all.
Have you checked it out yet? Go ahead, I'll wait.... (insert jeopardy theme song here).
Ok, welcome back. In a nutshell, we were happy to help them create some great images for their bio page. We went to a few neat locations, including the top of a parking garage where there were some pretty great views of the city skyline.
To them, The Rochesteriat is more than being about a city guide in the making, it's about being a part of Rochester's history in the making. Thank you Jason and Stefanie for a great night, and for sharing how you see the city with us and inspiring us to see it that way too.
Headshots, Rochester NY portrait session downtown, parking garage
Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session
Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session
Rochester NY city portrait session, parking garage
Headshots, Rochester NY portrait session
Portrait Session, Downtown Rochester NY
Headshots, Rochester NY city portrait session
Rochester NY city portrait session
Exploring the city together!
Thanks again for the fun, laughs, and fro yo! We can't wait to work with you again soon!
MDA: Night at the Races 2013
We're honored to volunteer our time for some great organizations and beyond blessed to live our lives the way we do. So it's such a good feeling to give back to our community whenever we can.
Last weekend, the MDA held their annual Night at the Races Gala at Locust Hill Country Club. This was the second time we have been asked to photograph this event. Last year, Lori had the privilege of attending this event – this time it was my turn. Families and friends come together each year to show their support and love to those affected by ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. The night was filled with silent auctions, an amazing dinner and other Derby games, oh, and watching the ACTUAL derby as it happened.
ALS affects adults, often in the prime of life. It continues to baffle physicians, and although great strides continue to be made, a cure has not yet been found. The contributions, support and donations from this event, continue to help the MDA with their ALS research. It was wonderful to be apart of something that directly helps families affected by this terrible disease.
If you're interested in making a donation, please donate directly to our Rochester chapter of the MDA, or by going to the national MDA's website. It would mean so much to us, and to them if you did. You can also purchase photographs from the event. Proceeds from photo purchases will be given directly to the MDA of Rochester.
Branding Photography of an Illustrator: Rochester NY
If you've seen our logo, you've seen her work. This post is a special feature of the amazing and talented illustrator: Kelly Place! We love her work, and think you will too.
How we Met
Student Government (SG) was the link, Kelly and I both worked in Public Relations for SG at RIT. I designed promo pieces for SG events on the computer-- flyers, ads, that sort of thing. Meanwhile, Kelly did things by hand: such as the giant posters that would hang on the quarter mile. (Thats the walkway that links the residential and academic sides of campus.)
Even when she was advertising for "Free BBQs", she made it look great. Her masterpieces always seemed so effortless to create from the view of a mere mortal. Okay, maybe I'm going overboard here, but the point is, I have loved Kelly's work for years, and I was super stoked at the opportunity to work with her again!
kelly in home office
How the Logo Came to Be
Back in December while Erin and I were busily prepping for the launch of our partnership, we ran into Kelly at an RYP event. She sent us some sketches, and I loved her spin on things right away. After a few tweaks back and forth, we arrived at our current logo. I love the swirls, the abstract camera, and the way our names connect. It's a great representation of how we work together, and the dots show off our playful personalities.
logo scan
Kelly's original was done with pen and ink, which she then scanned and sent to me as a raster file. I then converted that file into vector using Adobe Illustrator, so we can now use it at any size. We couldn't be happier with the final product!
Custom Wedding Invitations
Kelly's preferred medium is watercolor. Ours was only the second logo she has created, as she usually creates prints and wedding invitations. If you are looking for whimsical, personalized and colorful artwork for your stationery, definitely give Kelly a call! Her work is amazing, and includes invitation design, envelope calligraphy, printing/cutting services, return address stamps, miscellaneous signage, table numbers, place cards, menus, maps and more. Get more info on her services here!
wedding invitations
hands at work
illustration supplies and samples
prints and more samples
Behind the Scenes
Kelly is also the mom of a wonderful little boy, Liam. I was so glad I got to hang out with them both for a bit last week. Once Liam figured out that I could give him what he wanted (crackers) he warmed up to me pretty well. She told me that she does most of her work while Liam is asleep. Kelly really does it all :)
working with a child
One year old
little boy faces
So if you are looking for some unique and fun artwork for your walls, or invitations, give Kelly a shout! And leave a comment if you like the logo. Kelly can be reached at: | | 585.313.5565 You can also find her on Etsy and Pinterest!
Thanks for checking out this post! Erin and I will be featuring more of our favorite people right here, so check back often!