When it comes to family mini sessions in winter, we get creative. We don’t use a studio and a painted backdrop.
We use your real life.
For example, we recently partnered with a great business like Hipocampo Children’s Books. We woredk together to create a family picture experience. In this case, Henry and Pamela at Hipocampo provided a story time for families to come and enjoy.
How does photography fit into this?
While story time was happening we captured candid family pictures. When story time wrapped up, we took a few posed family pictures as well. We used the colorful book background as the perfect setting for family pictures of book loving families.
Other examples?
Bright lights and pinball game backgrounds for game loving families.
Playground family pictures at your favorite playground.
Halloween costumes and pumpkin picking for fall family pictures.
So what background fits your family? Maybe we have the perfect family mini session for you already on the calendar!