Greece Arcadia Senior Portraits: Sam

Full of laughter and a naturally radiant smile, Sam was very easy to photograph. The focused face really only came out on the diamond, so you can tell he is passionate about his sport of baseball.

He pitches and catches for the Greece Arcadia Varsity team, and plays the drums. But what impressed me most about Sam is that he voluntarily spent his spring break building homes with Flower City Work Camp.

I just love living vicariously through all the things today's high school seniors are doing. Sam is active in his church and community, easy going and just one of those people you know is going to make an impact. In fact, he already has!

Looking forward to seeing what you do next, Sam. Have a great senior year!


Lori Coleman

The daughter of filmmakers, Lori may have been predestined for a life in the creative world. She met her husband, John, while studying photography at RIT. When not creating heirlooms for her friends, family, and clients, she can usually be found in the woods or on a yoga mat. Either way, her dogs Molley and Mouse are never far away.