erin's favorite things: the fall edition

One minute I'm walking Allie in 90 degree weather, the next... I have a hoodie on and noticing a little crispness in the air. My Vera Bradley flip flops are still on my feet, but now they're showing their wear from daily usage. Sadly, I'm coming to the realization that summer is winding down. This does not, I repeat, this does NOT mean I've decided to wear shoes instead of flip flops. But it does mean I get to enjoy some of my absolute favorite foods and activities as fall approaches.

For example - like millions of others, Starbucks has me absolutely hooked on their Pumpkin Spice Latte or "PSL" for the devoted.  To be clear, I don't visit Starbucks on a daily basis - but when the PSL comes around every year, I'm like a mouse to cheese. Ohhhhh, I think I need one right now in fact...


Most of my favorite fall activities revolve around the foods of fall. So after we pick up my pumpkin spice latte, we head over to Schutt's Apple Farm for some cider and donuts - er, fried cakes (sorry dear). Every year we take a morning to pick up some apples, cider and a dozen of their delicious glazed donuts. And yes, before we even leave the parking lot, there's only 10 left. I'd take a photo of the donuts... but I think we already ate them all...

Schutts1 Schutts2

As the season progresses, we'll head back for more cider and donuts, as well as pick out our pumpkins and mums for some great fall decor. We'll enjoy as much of the local flavors as we possibly can before the season changes once again.  As sad as it makes me to see the leaves start falling, I truly enjoy all of the bounty that comes along with it.

Oh, and did I mention the baked goods? I sort of went on a "Martha Stewart"/Pinterest kick this weekend and baked tiny little apple pies, and some delectable pumpkin muffins. Baked-Goods

Apple picking with the family also makes for a great family portrait session... interested? I'm happy to join you - especially if there's a promise of apple cider involved!