Three brothers: ages 2, 5 and 7. If that sounds like chaos to you, it was. But, it was fun chaos! Playing with these guys was a workout, and it was worth it. They love their bikes, the playground, reading and (my favorite) parkour. Yes, parkour! Google defines Parkour as "the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing." I've seen this done before on YouTube, but usually with young adults, not kids! I was quite impressed as they showed me what they had learned to do. We also had some races, tickle-fests, and played fetch with the dog. All in a days work. Here is a little peek into the day. Enjoy!
three brothers parkour
reading with dad
biking, swinging
playground and tickles
Family race
lonely boy biking
family time
We have a fun with every session. Leave these guys some love, or get in touch with us to capture your family life!