Current Events in the Lives of Lori & Erin

September at Erin’s house:

So much has happened in a month! Two quick highlights?

We traveled for the first time in forevvvvverrr. We took a trip to Acadia National Park in Maine where we experienced breathtaking views from the tops of mountains, whales in the ocean, rock climbing and family time. Watching Lucas’ face light up when he saw his first whale was the an incredible experience!

Also - Lucas turned 7! Fun included nothing but the finest Wegmans cupcakes outfitted with lego chocolates, (made by yours truly) and a bounce house. Because after completely overhauling his preferred indoor lego party to a hot, humid outdoor party (thanks covid), the mom guilt was real - so a bounce house was clearly very necessary.

How’s your parent guilt these days? Tell me I’m not the only one going over the top?

Meanwhile, at Lori’s house:

We did it! While Erin was conveniently off vacationing in Maine, we moved everything we own 5 miles east. The new land is full of flowers, came with 4 Indian Runner Ducks and lots of fruit! Wyatt loves helping in the garden and feeding the animals, but most of all, he enjoys picking and eating fresh berries! We plan to take what is here and expand it by adding vegetables, chickens and who knows what else. If you want more of our Knot Quite A Farm life, feel free to follow us on Instagram @knotquiteafarm!

Hope to see you soon! - Lori

Wyatt loves picking berries and feeding the ducks!

Wyatt loves picking berries and feeding the ducks!