Why I'm a Photographer: Reason #937 and counting
It was almost three years ago when we set up his crib. I was still pregnant, so it didn't seem real yet. How could I possibly know at that point, what placing my baby in that crib would feel like?
But now, night after night he's slept (mostly) peacefully in that crib. I do know how it feels to rub his back as his eyes close, say good night, and tell him I love him.
You know the saying. All good things must... right?
This. Is. Why. I. Take. Pictures.
Because tomorrow we'll put him to bed in a "big boy bed" for the first time. I blinked a few dozen times and he again changed before my eyes.
No, I didn't miss any of it - I was there the whole time. But now, that particular feeling of him as "a baby" will begin to fade. As time passes, my pictures of him will remind me of that feeling. They will become even more invaluable.
Nothing in this life stays the same for long, right? I know more changes are on the horizon for us. I may not know exactly when, but when it does, I'll have this moment captured forever.
Change is inevitable, for you and for me. It's sometimes hard to accept, but it's a natural progression in life.
What changes are coming your way? What do you want to capture before it does?
This is why I take your pictures.
~ Erin